I have taken many journeys within, across vast modalities of healing and I have never experienced one that is more transformative, gentle and integrated than what I experienced with Unlimited Breath and Vanessa Weseman. 

After her 10-week program I have ‘de-programmed’ a deeper layer of my unconscious mind, heightening awareness to the subtle habits and stories that had kept me at a plateau. I discovered the imprints that happened well before I came into this world, and learned how to self-heal and heal others through my newfound expression and breath. 

I am HOOKED! This is my vehicle, always and forever...I feel so blessed to have my breath as my guide for all eternity. 

Thank you teacher and boundless source of love, Vanessa. 

Alita Watson

CEO Alma Coaching

Have you heard of the phrase "you can't unsee something"?  I can't unsee the work I've done with Vanessa.  To call our work together impactful is an understatement.  I will never look at myself, my life and my relationships like I did prior to our sessions.  Vanessa transformed my life.

Rick Brimacomb

Brimacomb Capital, Founder

Brimacomb & Associates, Founder

Working with Vanessa and her amazing guidance with breathwork for 10 weeks was truly life changing. I was at a point in life where I knew I needed to release some old patterns and I was feeling stuck but I didn’t know what it was! Breathwork definitely allowed me to get to the subconscious where it was all hiding, and from there transform it and reprogram my operating system. Vanessa has the experience and expertise to coach and hold sacred space while this essential work is being done. When you sign up with her you are ready for some amazing changes in your life.

Hanna Kuluvar Esparza

Dance Teacher, Performer, Healer

I've done numerous circling and breathwork sessions with Vanessa over the past few years. I've engaged in many healing modalities in my life and circling and breathwork are maybe the two most powerful ones I've done. Circling was very powerful in helping me shine the light on deep emotional issues and make them less scary. I feel that the interactions with Vanessa were more human and organic compared to the therapy model where the therapist and patient roles are inherently separate. The breathwork in particular might be the most powerful practice I've ever done. When I started to get good at it, I found that I started to feel like my breathing was who I am. The deep hooks of the scary stuff in my subconscious started to loosen a bit. Vanessa has been really good at challenging me to deepen my breathing when my instinct is to continue the unhealthy shallow breaths I have used throughout my life. One interesting side effect of this has come from doing a breathwork practice that I learned from Vanessa on my own before interviewing for some lucrative jobs. I cannot say the breathwork was solely responsible for the multiple final interview/job offers that I received, but I can say with certainty that I felt a calmness and clarity in my thinking during the interviews instead of disjointed thoughts caused by nervousness which I sometimes experience in interview situations. I would strongly recommend anyone considering a healing practice to consider the work that Vanessa is doing.


Data Engineer

It’s fascinating to watch her work and lead. She has helped so many people be seen, find their voice, and overcome their blocks.

Vanessa is a powerful, beautiful, deep soul, and the work she does is absolutely incredible. ”

Amanda Busby Codney

Lifestyle Expert

Editor and Cheif The Circle Magazine