Infinite Breath 10-week series

Welcome to Infinite Breath, where we harness the power of breath to help you achieve personal and spiritual awakening.  

Breathwork has been used for thousands of years to gain spiritual enlightenment and self-mastery but was only accessible to a select few,  now millions of people are utilizing breathwork for self-healing and to take control of their lives. infinite Breath takes breathwork to its full potential, offering a comprehensive experience that encompasses the benefits of all available breathing techniques and more.

The benefits of Natural Breathing are profound and touch every aspect of your mind, body, and spirit.

Infinite Breath taps into the power of your breath to access the deep layers of cellular memory where subconscious wounds and unresolved emotions are stored. These hidden beliefs and suppressed feelings are often the underlying cause of the obstacles preventing you from attaining the success and fulfillment you truly deserve.

With Infinite  Breath, you have the opportunity to effortlessly and effectively explore and release these limitations. By engaging in our breathwork sessions, you can easily uncover and let go of these subconscious barriers, paving the way for transformative growth and the realization of your true potential.

In addition, Infinite breath allows for the retention of more life force energy, which permeates your entire system, restoring your natural health, vitality, and success.  Conscious Connected breathing facilitates super oxygenation, enhancing the building and maintenance of healthy tissues, raising blood alkaline levels, and aiding in the elimination of toxins, contributing to your overall well-being.

We believe that the way you breathe is directly linked to how you live. By optimizing your breath, you improve all areas of your life. Prepare to embark on a journey of self-discovery, rejuvenation, and awakening as you unlock your fullest potential one breath at a time.

Breathing is how life-force energy enters your body.  One reason Conscious Connected Breathing heals is that it enables you to retain more life force energy.  This extra life force energy permeates previously shut down areas of your body, your spirit, and your abundance and thus reestablishes your natural health, aliveness, and success.  Conscious Connected Breathing leaves you with an incredible feeling of being awake!

Conscious Connected Breathing is a powerful way to improve all areas of your life because the way you breathe is in direct correlation with how you live.

Infinite Breath is a transformative 10-week program where each session spans approximately 3 hours

This unique offering goes beyond simple breathwork, providing a comprehensive system designed to reshape your breathing patterns and ultimately transform your life circumstances. By cultivating awareness of your breath and challenging limiting belief systems, we empower you to break free from the shackles that have held you back.

During our dedicated 3-hour sessions, we delve deep into identifying and addressing your core limiting beliefs, rewiring the neural pathways that were established from the moment you took your first breath. Each season of our program comprises a rich curriculum, including insightful lessons, invigorating 45-minute breath sessions, and integration practices to facilitate lasting change.

Over the course of the 10 weeks, we cover a wide range of impactful topics, including:

  1. Birth Experience: Explore the significance of your initial breath, unraveling the profound influence it has had on shaping your fundamental belief systems about yourself.

  2. Breath Awareness: Discover the direct correlation between how you breathe and how you live your life, unlocking the potential for profound transformation.

  3. Physical Detoxification and Oxygenation: Receive expert guidance on Ayurvedic health coaching, facilitating the purification of your physical body while optimizing oxygen intake.

  4. Manifestation: Learn how your thoughts serve as powerful creators of your reality, harnessing the potential to manifest your deepest desires.

  5. Neuro-Linguistic Reprogramming: Unleash the ability to reprogram your brain, freeing yourself from limiting patterns and embracing new empowering mindsets.

  6. Conscious Connected Breathing: Acquire the knowledge and techniques to retain abundant life force energy through powerful breathing practices.

  7. Discovering Your Life's Purpose: Embark on a profound journey of self-discovery, unraveling the essence of your life's purpose and aligning your actions accordingly.

  8. Emotional Intelligence: Cultivate emotional intelligence to navigate life's challenges with grace, developing a deeper understanding and mastery of your emotions.

  9. Changing Habits: Acquire effective strategies for breaking free from unproductive habits and cultivating positive behaviors that support your growth.

  10. Mastery: Attain the tools and wisdom necessary to master your life, experiencing freedom from external circumstances and living in alignment with your authentic self.

Prepare for an extraordinary transformation as we guide you through this immersive journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Embrace the potential within you and unlock a life of limitless possibilities through the power of Infinite Breath.


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